Death 11/4/19

So for this weeks blog I decided to watch a science video about death. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Really Maddie? This Is kind of dumb.” No , it’s not dumb. your’e thinking of the afterlife, not the real process of dying. Death is a strange thing to think about, but really, our whole lives revolve around it.  Due Dates, cramming things in, performance. We must do as much as possible while we are on this earth. But, what is “as much as possible”? In our society, “as much as possible” means, going to school, having a family, weath, power and ect. Pretty much the American dream.  In other societies with different beliefs and focuses might have different ideas of “as much as possible”. Maybe its spiritual, maybe its relation ships or maybe its understanding. On of the reasons I think death is so strange is because in your head life is narrated by you. You are the main character,  the protagonist, maybe this is why we are so selfish. Anyways, on of the studies done in this video, was on hospice patients, about their dreams.  in around 80% of patients had strange dreams of loved ones who had passed away, or another strange experience that they had encountered in their life when they were younger.  The patients don’t really describe these as dreams though. They are more like a bit of an out of body experience, almost real. There are many different hypotheses about the so called dreams. It could be a welcoming into the afterlife, maybe a sign of someone gradually passing or a coping mechanism for the stress of passing. another main component in this death video is N.D.E’s, a near death experience. There is little evidence that these so called “Miracles” are really what they live up to be, but there have been a few interesting cases. Tony Cicora has had a near death experience, he was struck by lightning. Tony said that it was the strangest but most amazing feeling he had ever experienced. As he looked at his own body lying on the floor, he panicked for a minute and though he was already dead. Then a very relaxing and soothing feeling came to him, but suddenly, like a switch was being flicked of and on, he went back into the real world. A few weeks later Tony had a craving for piano music, he is now a world renowned composer. Maybe we all have this sort of unlocked part of our brain and we are really all the same but with different parts of our brains unlocked.

Questions: Are we going to unlock parts of our brain on command someday?  Are these so called “Miracles” in all near death experiences?  Why do we fear death and change so much?

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