Biomes and Meteorites 11/16/18

This week in science we are doing biomes. We are creating a wix website and also building a diorama. Since I have been sick on Thursday and Friday I have not gotten a lot done. I have the tundra biome. I don’t know very much about the tundra yet, but it is basically a snow desert that exists on the top of the earth. This week I listened to a podcast about Antartica and finding meteorites there. A lot of meteorites fall on earth every year, 37,000-78,000 tons of them , but all in different places. So, why would you want to go meteorite looking  in Antartica? Here is the answer: since meteorites fall every where you need to find the right place to look for them. So, you would not want to go looking for meteorites somewhere where its hard and rocky or the meteorite would shatter on impact, or where its mucky and watery because the meteorites would sink into the earth. In Antartica there is a lot of ice and since it is so cold the ice can stay for almost a hundred years sometimes without melting.  This acts as preserving the meteorites so you can see them from above. In the podcast I was listening to they were looking for meteorites from mars, unfortunately they didn’t find any from mars. I wonder what they could do research wise with a meteorite from mars? I also wonder what the mars meteorites look like?Image result for meteorite

I am excited to get back to biomes this week.I wonder what everybody else’s stuff looks like. I can’t wait to be back!

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